Cheesus Was Here
Nothing ever happens in tiny Clemency, Texas, until the day a gas clerk finds the image of Baby Jesus inside a Babybel cheese wheel. When more crazy miracles turn up, Clemency turns into a full blown media circus. While everyone else seems ready to accept that God has a dairy fetish, 16-year-old Delaney Delgado hasn’t believed in miracles since her kid sister died. Del’s determined to prove this whole thing is one big hoax and nothing and no one is going to convince her otherwise. Sure her best friend, Gabe, is a pastor’s kid and on the side of the angels, but even Gabe has to admit things look a bit fishy. When Del finds proof the miracles are fake, however, she has to decide whether to disgrace her town and risk losing Gabe’s friendship or support a lie that mocks the miracle her family prayed for and never received.
Sky Pony Press
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The Library At The Center Of The WorldStuck on a cruise ship with two annoying little sisters and an unquenchable reading habit, Jess wanders into the ship's bookstore in search of a book to pass the time. She discovers Gobblegroomer, a book that, to Jess' amazement, contains an adventure even stranger than its title. Davis' The Library at the Center of the World is the imaginative story of a young bibliophile's journey into the heart of storytelling.
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Imagining HappyPublished by NewMyths.com eZine, Issue #30, March 2015.
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Death Wears Yellow
Published in Bastion Science Fiction Magazine, September 2014 edition.
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The Dragon Keeper's Daughter
Published in Writing Tomorrow's February 2014 edition.