But sometimes things go a bit wrong. For instance, let's say you finish your powerpoint presentation in the wee hours of the morning, hopped up on allergy meds and coasting on the fumes of consciousness. You might, possibly, transpose two letters while setting up the spiffy custom URL for your class attendees to download a PDF of your presentation. THEN you might not realize this huge error, put the correct (but broken) URL on the last slide of your presentation and blithely tell these lovely people they don't need to take notes if they don't want to because they can just get the PDF later.
And then, when an attendee points out the URL doesn't work thanks to the magic of smart phones, you might, perhaps, toss up a different URL at the end of that slide show and tell everyone to check THAT link later. Only to discover later that evening that your blog/website won't let you do a custom URL that way.
Learn from my mistakes, people. Allergy meds and lack of sleep are dangerous. And I should not be trusted with URLs. Except now. You can totally trust me now.
To everyone who attended my Wheel of Fortune: A Guide to Writing Contests presentation, THANK YOU. Sorry for the last minute hiccups. Here's the real, working (and tested twenty times) URL:
tks for the information